Tagged: wicked

Grub Street Reads

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, pop-eyed mosquitoes and bow-legged squirrels, step right up. Cop A Squat is proud to announce that one of our three books has won an award. That’s right, and not just any award …

Grub Street Reads has awarded Life: As Fragile As Dust its coveted gold seal.

Grub Street Reads specializes in reviewing independent published novels and endorses those who meet its quality standards based on the fundamental qualities of good storytelling.  Now my book is prominently displayed on Grub Street Reads shelves.

Here’s what the reviewer had to say, Life: As Fragile As Dust is a very interesting mixture of short stories. I appreciated the wry humor of ‘Doggone’ and ‘Bud’s Life’ and was touched by ‘Grandma’s Secret’ and especially ‘Melted Dreams’. You have a versatile voice, which I think is captured in these wide-ranging stories.  My favorite was ‘Melted Dreams’ which was able to convey a lifetime of anguish and regret in a very tight and minimalist prose.  ‘On the Dotted Line’ was a great final story – fun and wicked…”

I feel so honored to have found a place in Grub Street Reads library. If you want an honest review of your book then you must click on this link:

Grub Street Reads coveted gold seal is a testament of Life: As Fragile As Dust, ability to thrill.  You will laugh out loud.  Be moved to tears.  And you will begin to ponder your own life’s course.

Are you interested? Please step right up, click on the sidebar, get your book and read a short story collection like no other. Our print version will be available next week; it’ll make a good stocking stuffer… And Happy Friday!

For our GOOD FRIDAY, tell every author you know about this vetting service. And as always, keep your head up.



Life: As Fragile As Dust


A very wise man once asked this question: “What is our life? Our life is like the morning mist – it is here a little while, then its gone.”

To what shall I compare our fragile life?

Life is like a speck of dust that alights upon a surface. It remains there, unmoved, until a draft threatens it. When a breeze comes, it holds on till the last. Finally, a gust of wind, and it is blown asunder. That is how fragile life is, like a speck of dust blown to nothingness.

Life: As Fragile As Dust, Book one of a three part series, is twelve short stories of people living on life’s edge and in a pfft, their lives change.

I value life. I understand how delicate it is. That’s why I write stories. To encourage others to take a closer look at the gift of life the Father has given us.

I invite you to get your copy. And remember: cherish those you love while life is still here.

Available on Smashwords and Amazon.

Look closely at the book cover…can you see the five faces?