Tagged: Daddy

The Best Short Christmas Story I’ve Ever Read (The Gold Wrapping Paper)


 (Photo and Story by: Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info )


I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. I pray you all have a safe holiday, while spending time with loved ones. Speaking of loved ones, here’s a story I’m sure will make you appreciate those you love even more. A word of warning: get some Kleenex; you’re going to need it.


 The Gold Wrapping Paper – An Inspirational Short Christmas Story

Once upon a time, there was a man who worked very hard just to keep food on the table for his family. This particular year a few days before Christmas, he punished his little five-year-old daughter after learning that she had used up the family’s only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper.

As money was tight, he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve he saw that the child had used all of the expensive gold paper to decorate one shoebox she had put under the Christmas tree. He also was concerned about where she had gotten money to buy what was in the shoebox.

Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, “This is for you, Daddy!”

As he opened the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, now regretting how he had punished her.

But when he opened the shoebox, he found it was empty and again his anger flared. “Don’t you know, young lady,” he said harshly, “when you give someone a present, there’s supposed to be something inside the package!”

The little girl looked up at him with sad tears rolling from her eyes and whispered: “Daddy, it’s not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full.”

The father was crushed. He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.

An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told that the father kept this little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems, he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each of us has been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.

Whew. Gotcha, didn’t it? Leave a comment letting me know what you think about this wonderful, heartfelt story.


Look at the above picture. Do you find it amusing?

What about this one?

And this one?

No? Then you are part of a small minority. There are many who find these pictures hilarious. Why?  The victim is a man.

Why is there so little attention given to this horrible crime compared to the massive attention given when a woman is beaten?

Could it be because a man is perceived to be weak if he becomes a victim of domestic violence? Yes, without a doubt.

Domestic violence against men is under-reported because of the stigma associated with men being abused by their female partners. Most men keep a low profile and do their best to escape the shame.

Consider this story: Susan towered over Dave like a building over a flower. He loved her, she him. They married and before long had a brood of three, a girl and two boys. They were happy.

Without notice their marital bliss came to a screeching halt. Soon Susan began to take out her frustrations on Dave. Daily he endured verbal abuse, before long she began punching him.

Her attacks increased and Dave began making excuses for his many cuts and bruises. One morning after many years of abuse Dave decided to end his suffering.

He waited for Susan to get home. As soon as she entered the house she tore into him with verbal attacks that were quickly escalated into a beating she swore he would not forget. As she slapped him throughout the house, it was into the kitchen that she finally met her match.

From the utensil draw, Dave pulled out a .357 Magnum and fired. The round hit Susan in the chest. She fell and with the last of his strength he dragged her down to the basement and hid her behind the furnace.

The screams of “Daddy!” came from the children upstairs.

Later, Dave stood trial on attempted murder. He lost everything as most victims of abuse often do.

For our GOOD FRIDAY let’s remind friends and family that October is Domestic Violence month for both men and women.

If you know someone who is a victim of domestic violence please share these numbers:

The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men: 877 643-1120 and entering PIN number 0757

For women: The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224.